Boys Bunting Teepee

The look of bunting draped over a fresh cream teepee is so charming and ever so enticing to do but we know its just not safe so I was resigned to never having a bunting draped teepee. But not to be defeated I came up with a plan and the solution was so obvious it was embarrassing it took me so long to think of. Now the solution is in parts and this is the first part of the bunting teepee story.

This first bunting teepee is for the boys (I had to balance out the complete girly-ness of the Paper Doll teepee). The bunting decorating the outside of the teepee features flags of navy blue, navy with bright cars and white with bright cars. It is finished with tangerine cotton trim.

In time more bunting teepees will be made in different colours and I will take custom orders for you own colour palette.


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