Animal Footprint Stepping Mats new to Joyjoie

It always amazes me how the Creative Director at 3 years can create a whole new series of games and activity from the things in her world.

Recently I made her a set of animal footprint stepping mats. As each one came off the sewing machine she looked at me and said for me mama with pure joy on her little face? Suffice it to say she was thrilled with them and loves to play with them on her own and with her friends.

Here are a few of Ari's ways to play with the footprint pebbles…

Ballet poses

Ballet Pose


Wolf Pebble Play

Running (and jumping)

WolfRun copy

and of course stepping

AriStanding copy

The game I like best is "Step on the footprint" in which someone says an animal; wolf, giraffe or zebra and she has to jump onto the corresponding footprint. Educational and fun!

Sold as set of three or more I create these fun and cute footprint in a range of colours and animals including the wolf, giraffe and zebra. These stepping footprints are also a great companion to the secret hideaway and animal hides teepees featuring the same animals. Perhaps there really is a wolf if the Secret Woodland Teepee?


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